Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime: How Brands & Retailers Should React to the New Requirements

For many e-commerce sellers, fulfillment was a top challenge in 2020. But as the 2020 holiday season — and its many shipping complexities — fade away, Amazon is delivering many of its sellers another distribution headache as they start the year. 

Amazon continues to strive for the ultimate customer experience, and has rolled out stricter requirements for its Seller Fulfilled Prime program. The new requirements take effect on February 1, 2021, and many sellers in the program will need to take decisive action to meet the new expectations.

In this informative session, Tanner Dalton and Waed Ramadan will walk you through what you can do now to prepare for the changes ahead. They’ll discuss specific steps you can take to:

  • Review your current performance metrics
  • Assess your delivery capabilities and fulfillment options
  • Implement changes to successfully update operations before the deadline
  • Consider alternatives to the SFP program
  • And more


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