ChannelAdvisor Webinars

What’s New with ChannelAdvisor and eBay: Promoted Listings Plus Volume Pricing

Connect with millions of buyers around the world. Empower people and create opportunities through connected commerce. Get more visibility and more sales.

Watch and gain insights into how you can:

  • Stack up sales with eBay Promoted Listings. Promoted Listings helps your items stand out. Don’t forget the best part — you only pay when your items sell! #winning
  • Offer greater discounts with Volume Pricing. Make it easier for buyers to buy more, so you save on shipping. Volume Pricing gives tiered discounts to buyers purchasing multiple quantities of your items.

ChannelAdvisor Marketplaces can help you unleash your full eBay potential. 

Watch and set up for success on eBay this holiday season.


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