Ready to Start Selling on Walmart Marketplace?

Get your products in front of millions of Walmart shoppers by selling on Walmart Marketplace. As Walmart’s first launch partner, ChannelAdvisor has helped hundreds of companies list their products and optimize their sales on

Enjoy the unique advantage of partnering with the world’s largest retailer

  • Pay no setup or monthly fees. A referral fee is simply deducted from your payment for sales.
  • Enjoy a distinct omnichannel advantage and a reimagined marketplace experience. is pushing the boundaries with innovative programs to delight customers while helping you grow and thrive.
  • Build your catalog, control inventory and set prices. values additions to its core assortment, so all competitive offers have the chance to win the buy box.

Sell with confidence on a trusted marketplace

Walmart Marketplace is selective by design. It has curated a community of respected, professional sellers who offer only top-quality authentic products and best-in-class customer service.

Its thorough vetting process and high standards for applicants and sellers help foster a level playing field trusted by customers and partners alike.

Complete the form to start the process now. You’ll be contacted by a ChannelAdvisor E-Commerce Consultant who will help you complete the Walmart Marketplace Seller application and explain the next steps.